David Funk - Never Going Back Lyrics


Never Going Back Lyrics

Faithful one no matter how far I run
You lead me home you extend your love
Patiently fathering the orphan in me
You say I am yours

I never am alone
I never am alone
You found me

And I’ve made up my mind
I’m never going back
I’m never going back

Righteousness found only in your face
You see my heart you extend your grace
Eyes open falling in love again
You say I’m yours

It was always you
It was always you
You found me

And I’ve made up my mind
I’m never going back
I’m never going back

I’m singing out your lovely name
I’m giving you everything
You make my soul alive
You put your love inside

There’s nothing that I have need of
Cuz there’s nothing you haven’t done
You make my soul alive
You put your love inside

Never Going Back Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Never Going Back by David Funk: Exploring the Journey of Faith


This powerful Christian song carries a message of steadfast faith and trust in God, encouraging believers to embrace their identity in Christ and leave behind their past. Through a chronological exploration of the song's key messages, we will uncover its meaning, potential inspiration, and critically analyze its biblical alignment with relevant references.

Verse 1: Faithful one, no matter how far I run
The song begins by acknowledging God's faithfulness, regardless of how far the singer may have strayed. It emphasizes the unconditional love and grace that God extends to His children, even in times of wandering or feeling lost. The lyrics convey a sense of the singer recognizing their need for God's guidance and the reassurance that they belong to Him.

Chorus: I'm never going back, I'm never going back
The catchy and repetitive chorus reinforces the song's main message of not returning to the past. It serves as a declaration of the singer's determination to move forward in their faith, leaving behind old habits, sins, and patterns of behavior. The phrase "never going back" signifies a commitment to a transformed life in Christ.

Verse 2: Righteousness found only in Your face
In this verse, the focus shifts to the righteousness found in God's presence. The singer acknowledges that true righteousness can only be attained through a personal relationship with God. It highlights the importance of seeking God's face, aligning our lives with His will, and finding our identity in Him. This verse echoes the biblical truth that our righteousness comes from God alone (Romans 3:22).

Chorus: I've made up my mind, I'm never going back
The chorus is repeated, reinforcing the singer's decision to never return to the past. It emphasizes the firmness of their resolve, indicating a conscious choice to follow God wholeheartedly. This reiteration serves to strengthen the song's message and evoke a sense of determination in the listener.

Bridge: There's nothing that I have need of
This bridge introduces the idea that in God, we lack nothing. It signifies a complete reliance on God's provision, both spiritually and practically. The lyrics suggest that God's sufficiency is more than enough to meet all our needs, and there is no reason to turn back to the emptiness of the past. This echoes the words of the psalmist in Psalm 23:1, "The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing."

Chorus: I'm never going back, I'm never going back
The chorus is repeated once again, emphasizing the resolute decision to never return to the past. The repetition serves as a powerful reminder of the singer's commitment and encourages the listener to embrace the same mindset.

Meaning and Inspiration:

The song "Never Going Back" conveys a deep sense of personal transformation and commitment to a life of faith in Christ. It encourages believers to leave behind their old ways, sins, and patterns of behavior, and to embrace their new identity in Christ. The lyrics emphasize the importance of seeking God's face, relying on His provision, and finding our righteousness in Him alone.

While the specific inspiration or story behind the song is not provided, it is evident that the lyrics reflect a personal journey of faith and the desire to encourage others on the same path. Many individuals can relate to the struggle of leaving behind the past and stepping into a new life in Christ. The song serves as a reminder of God's faithfulness, His transformative power, and the strength we find in Him to move forward.

Biblical Alignment and Analysis:

To critically analyze the biblical alignment of the song "Never Going Back," we can examine its key messages in light of relevant biblical references:

1. God's faithfulness and unconditional love: The song acknowledges God's faithfulness, even when we have strayed (Psalm 36:5). It emphasizes His unconditional love and the assurance that we belong to Him (Romans 8:38-39).

2. Leaving behind the past: The song encourages believers to press on and leave behind their old ways (Philippians 3:13-14). It aligns with the biblical concept of repentance, turning away from sin and embracing a new life in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).

3. Seeking God's face: The lyrics emphasize the importance of seeking God's face and finding our righteousness in Him (Psalm 27:8, Matthew 6:33). It aligns with the biblical truth that our righteousness comes from God alone (Romans 3:22).

4. Reliance on God's provision: The bridge emphasizes our complete reliance on God's provision and sufficiency (Matthew 6:25-34, Philippians 4:19). It echoes the biblical truth that God is our provider and that we lack nothing in Him (Psalm 23:1).

Overall, the song "Never Going Back" aligns well with biblical principles and encourages believers to live a transformed life in Christ. It emphasizes the importance of leaving behind the past and embracing our new identity in Him. The lyrics echo themes of God's faithfulness, unconditional love, righteousness found in Him, and reliance on His provision.


"Never Going Back" by David Funk is a powerful Christian song that encourages believers to embrace their identity in Christ and leave behind their past. Through its chronological exploration of key messages, we have uncovered the song's meaning, potential inspiration, and critically analyzed its biblical alignment. The lyrics convey a strong sense of determination and commitment to a life of faith, emphasizing God's faithfulness, righteousness found in Him, and reliance on His provision. This song serves as a reminder that as believers, we are called to press on, leaving behind the past and stepping into the new life found in Christ.

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